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Caught in a Bad Romance

Bladderwort or “Utricularia” is one of the most widespread/diverse groups of carnivorous plants. This killer plant lives in nutrient poor water and supplements nutrients by capturing micro-organisms (i.e. water fleas/ daphnia). Bladderwort captures its victims in a “bladder” or “utricle” which are dispursed all along the under-water leaves of this plant.

Sensitive hairs touched just outside of the bladder opening will trigger the bladder to suck in the prey, fill with water and close the trap door behind.

Check out this video to see the carnivorous plant in action.

Digestive enzymes slowly break down the micro-organism and the nutrients are taken up by the plant. In the winter, Bladderwort produces “Turions” or miniature balls of the plant leaves all rolled up. These “Turions” sink to the bottom of the pond for the winter and start growing into a new plant in the spring when the water gets warm.

Bladderwort is all around us. So be aware on your next hike. You never know how hungry this plant could be. .

Know the plants around you and save plants to save the planet!!

Check out the links below for more information!

Video of trap in action:

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