Rattlesnake Master
Eryngium yuccifolium or "rattlesnake master" is a prairie plant native to Illinois. The spikey-flowered plant was used by native...

Prevent Malaria, Drink Gin and Tonic
Many humans are familiar with the drink: Gin and Tonic. But did you know this drink was a product of malaria prevention?! Quinine or...

Curly Dock and Curly Locks
My hair is curly just like the leaf edges of curly dock! AKA Rumex crispus. This weedy plant often grows on roadsides, especially near...

Velcro invented by plants
Desmodium illinoense or “Tick trefoil” a prairie plant native to Illinois is directly connected to any human who has ever been a child……...

Perovskia atriplicifolia .. whaattttt
RUSSSIIAAANNNN SAGGEEE!!! A pungent minty-smelling, powdery purple plant that attracts butterflies and other pollinators, this plant is...

Candid coneflower
Echinacea pallida or pale purple coneflower, a native Illinois prairie plant! Cone shaped seed head and pale purple drooping petals. This...

Fox glove beard tongue
The actual name of a plant... Penstemon digitalis or Fox-glove beard tongue feeds long tongued bees and other pollinators. It’s a native...

Funny honey locust
Gleditsia tracanthos or honey locust has historically borne lots and lots of thorns to keep off pesky giant sloths during the last ice...

Lawns white clover
Trifolium repens! or White Clover. Present in most lawns of the Midwest. This plant is native to Europe and Central Asia and helps...