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Just another....Crocus!

A spring perennial, deep purple petals lined with striking yellow anthers (male reproductive parts) rises up from the depths of winter, hinting that spring is on its’ way. Warmer temperatures, and days with longer light, trigger this beautiful plant to sprout.

Crocus is originally from southern Europe and North Africa, and has a special place in Greek mythology. Legend says that the Greek Gods Zeus and Hura loved one another so intensely, that the land where they lived exploded with crocuses.

Crocus is in the Iris family and grows from special plant structure, called a “corm” which is an enlarged, belowground, fleshy stem, slightly different than your traditional “bulb”.

Because this plant is a perennial (permanent), it will bloom again in the same spot, year after year, until it dies off.

Certain species of crocus (i.e. Crocus sativus AKA saffron crocus) are used in the production of saffron, a well-known spice. Saffron comes from the male reproductive parts from the flower. After plucking and drying the male reproductive parts of the plant, you will be one step closer to having fresh saffron!

Last but not least, crocus makes a guest appearance in the end of the Disney movie “Frozen”! Can you spot it?!

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